From a broken heart
Love poured out and flowed
Across the world, darkened
The sky, scourged the earth.
Into the abyss it hurled
The majestic mountains,
The mightiest brought down,
Whispered in the thunder,
And with a furious sound
Rent the veil of the temple.
The Holy of Holies bared
To the eyes of the Gentile,
And all generations shared
In the defilement of love
Abused - crucified; how hard
And with what agony
An old love must die.
Let pour the blood rank with disease
Down with the concealing veil.
Here - in the open - where all can see
A new love will prevail.
Grieve not for something lost,
Nor weep over a broken heart,
For love can hold together
Even as it tears apart.